This could be integrated or an add-on, and would turn 3Dsellers into the complete listing system. The basic idea is that png files are uploaded to the app with various data, and then turned into a multi variation listings across multiple styles with the minimal amount of effort. it would have a "products" page where the base layers would be added. For example; different types of clothing. Each type of clothing, e.g. men's T-shirt, would have its own page, which would contain each colour. Each colour would have its own page, which would contain the sizes, prices, tags, title (which would be "Mens T-Shirt" as a suffix to the design title", and image. The image would have coordinates for the design placement. The design page would be where the png file and details specific to that design would be uploaded. The would be created in batches and would contain the prefix title, description (AI option here), tags, SKU etc.. Finally, there would be the export page. This is where the batch is selected. From there, the style would be selected along with check boxes for each colour. As an example; 30 designs could be uploaded into a batch. Those 30 designs could then be generated into 30 T-shirt, hoodie, vest, sweatshirt, aprons, womens, kids etc., listings with the desired colours in the matter of minutes. This is basically how Mockupify works, but well hidden by Shopify, is the fact that there's a listing limit after the first 50,000 SKU's, so while this won't solve anyone's problem of listing more to Shopify, it would create the opportunity to list more to eBay and Amazon. To 3Dsellers staff: This would be a great selling point on your home page. I pay $50 a month for this on Mockupify, so I would happily pay that as an add-on for the complete listing app.