We've added a couple of new features to the Orders manager to help with your order-fulfillment workflow šŸ˜€
Profit column
  • Now you can calculate and save the profit for each eBay order:
Upload Tracking CSV:
Use Transaction ID only
To upload tracking data via CSV, you can now use a Transaction ID without including Order & Item IDs.
Click here
for more information.
Tracking CSV page
View your Tracking CSV history and follow up on any errors with a dedicated Tracking CSV page:
Click-to-copy Shipping Address
Now you can easily copy an eBay order's shipping addresses with a single click:
3Dsellers is an all-in-one eBay selling manager for eBay US, UK, AU, and all other eBay marketplaces. Our software allows your business to market, manage, and automate your eBay business like no other platform.