We listened to your requests and added new updates to Listings Manager! These new features help you and your team stay organized and find eBay listings fast! 😀
New Best Offer and Private Listing filters
  • Filter eBay listings by whether
    Best Offer
    Private Listing
    settings are enabled on your listings!
Clear filters button
  • After adding at least two filters, you can now
    clear all filters in one click
    with the
    Clear filters
Tag settings
  • Not only have we organized your Listing Manager's general settings, but we've also added the ability to
    enable/disable automatic tags options
    for Drafts!
Have more new feature ideas for the Listings Manager?
Click here
to request and vote for your favorites! We're always adding new features for your business 😀
3Dsellers is an all-in-one eBay selling manager for eBay US, UK, AU, and all other eBay marketplaces. Our software allows your business to market, manage, and automate your eBay business like no other platform.