
New Feature

Feature Update

CSV Upload & Update

CSV Upload - Bulk-Edit Anything eBay! šŸ„³

We've received many requests for a CSV upload feature to edit any eBay listing detail and absolutely agree that this ability is essential for saving time editing listings. So with great excitement, we are happy to announce this is now possible with 3Dsellers!
This also means that you can now export your listings with Report Center (or the Listings Manager), make changes in your business' Excel/Sheets workbook, and upload to make bulk changes! šŸŽ‰
New 'Update Anything' CSV feature!
  • Use the new
    Update Listings
    button to bulk-edit any listing details included in our CSV Import feature.
  • Edit titles, descriptions, prices, 3Dsellers features, SEO, and more.
  • See our walkthough for a quick overview of the settings.
Have an idea for a 3Dsellers feature?
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to request and vote for your favorites! We're always adding new features for your online selling business.
3Dsellers is an all-in-one eBay selling manager for eBay US, UK, AU, and all other eBay marketplaces. Our software allows your business to market, manage, and automate your eBay business like no other software.
This platform update was brought to you by your selling partners at
, the all-in-one eBay business platform. Our team thrives on developing the tools, resources, and information you need to grow and support a successful eBay business. If you haven't checked us out yet, we have all the eBay tools you need to manage, market, and automate your eBay business.